Monday 21 December 2009


The heavens opened and down came the snow. Dan went home at lunchtime, but I held on as we had a customer wanting to pick up a bike. Anyhow, gave up at 3.00pm, locked up the shop and headed for then took 2 hours to get to the end of the road. Total Gridlock. So, I turned around and I'm back at the shop.

So, I've just made myself a little bed behind the counter in the shop and am staying here.

Just two bikes outstanding for customers to pick up this side of Christmas...but if I get home tomorrow, I doubt I'll get back again! Oh, bugger.

Good news is we managed to get all the late WTP Justice and GT Zones out to customers today - I just hope the courier got out of the estate before the gridlock happened.

Anyhow, sleep tight. Damn weather.

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